Update 9/2/2024:
Enjoy this video recap of the Ukrainian Independence Day Picnic at Churchill Park, Newington, CT. It includes greetings from local Ukrainian organizations and US Senator Richard Blumenthal. Video credits: W. Bill Magac <[email protected]>
Update 8/1/2024:

Update 2/24/2024:
On this 2nd anniversary of war in Ukraine attend a rally or prayer service in your area. CT State Capital, Hartford 1pm Sunday 2024-02-25

Update 2/2/2024:
Thank you to our CT US Senator Chris Murphy who spoke with our community in person and through video conference to keep all informed on the legislation in support of Ukraine.

Update 3/28/2023:
Please consider purchasing new items for the Ukrainian Soldiers through our Amazon Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3TL6MUG7RL426/

Pysanka workshops and lectures by Gloria Horbaty: 203-269-5909
March 25 – 1 PM – Meriden Public Library
March 26, 1-3:30 pm, St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, 563 George St., New Haven.
March 29 – 6:30 PM – E. C. Scranton Public Library, Madison
Tuesday, Mar 28, 12 – 1:15 pm. Wounds: Ukraine, by Joseph Sywenkyj. Virtual event. CT native and award winning photo-journalist, presents his study on severely wounded Ukrainian activists and soldiers and how they heal. Register: https://vii-insider.org/vii-event/wounds-ukraine-by-joseph-sywenkyj/ SEE ATTACHED FLYER FOR DETAILS
Thursday, Mar 30, 9 pm. The Holodomor in Literature for Young Readers. Hybrid lecture by Dr. Mateusz Świetlicki will showcase the evolution of the Holodomor as a subject in global children’s and young adult literature since 1991. Zoom registration Link:
https://us06web.zoom.us/…/tZ0odemhpjMsHtWV11cYyPf23Rvz5… SEE ATTACHED FLYER FOR DETAILS
Sunday, April 2, 12- 4pm. Ukrainian Easter Bazaar. St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church, 569 George St., New Haven. SEE ATTACHED FLYER FOR DETAILS. Check your local parish for similar events.
Update 2/24/2023:
Here are some links of our local media coverage commemorating the 1 year anniversary of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. WTNH 8 ABC https://www.wtnh.com/news/connecticut/honoring-ukraine-in-conn-events-on-one-year-anniversary-of-russian-invasion WFSB 3 CBS https://www.wfsb.com/2023/02/22/locals-community-continues-support-those-ukraine/ CT ’23: Local efforts to help the people of Ukraine https://youtu.be/IXyQ71Bv2TQ/ NBC Connecticut 30 https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/national-international-news/help-for-ukrainian-children-being-highlighted-with-fundraising-event/2983172/ NPR https://www.ctpublic.org/show/where-we-live/2023-02-27/one-year-in-cts-ukrainian-community-reflect-on-the-war-in-ukraine/
Update 2/21/2023:
Friday, Feb 24, 3-9 pm. Hearts for Ukraine; a Community Gathering of Reflection, Remembrance and Resolve. Candlelight vigil and photography exhibit. Donations to support a children’s rehabilitation in Chernivtsi. Ukrainian National Home, 961 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford.
Update 1/7/2023:
We are unable to ship used items. Please consider purchasing new items for the Ukrainian Soldiers https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3TL6MUG7RL426

Update 6/14/2022: Volunteers are needed on Thursday 6/16/2022 from 3 – 8pm to help with donation intake, sorting, and traffic control. Please make the time to help with this humanitarian effort for Ukraine. Any amount of hours is appreciated.
Update 5/23/2022: The Ukrainian National Home is currently seeking donations of specific items for drop off on Thursday June 16, 2022 from 4-7PM at the UNHH. Our Amazon Registry for requested supplies can be accessed earlier and sent to the default Gift Registry address c/o Olya in South Windsor, CT. Follow the following link or QR code: https://www.amazon.com/registries/custom/1IWNX9VLGSH2M/guest-view

Update 5/22/2022: The Ukrainian National Home bought a van which was purchased in Poland and delivered. It’s current route is to deliver humanitarian aid to the East. The current packages you see were shipped from the Ukrainian Club.

Update 5/14/2022: Stand with Ukraine-Calendar of Events-Sunday, May 15, 2022 > Sunday, June 26, 2022
Sunday, May 15, 2022-3pm-Stand up for Ukraine Concert Fundraiser-St Basil Seminary 195 Glenbrook Rd Stamford CT
Thursday, May 19, 2022-Ukrainian Vyshyvanky (Embroidery) Day
Saturday, May 21, 2022-9am-Chesire 5K Walk/Run for Ukraine Fundraiser-Bartlem Park Chesire CT
Saturday, May 21, 2022-5:30pm-Bears Restaurant/Creamery Cafe Fundraiser 7:30pm-Cabaret Show Fundraiser-Wethersfield CT High School
Saturday, May 21, 2022 & Sunday, May 22, 2022-Coffee Shop Fundraiser for Ukraine-Junk & Java LLC 49 Beach St Westerly RI
Sunday, May 22, 2022-1pm-3pm-Stand with Ukraine-Enfield Town Green
Wednesday, May 25, 2022-6pm-9pm-An Evening for Ukraine-Symphony Hall Springfield MA-Springfield Public Forum/Pioneer Valley Symphony
Sunday, May 29, 2022-3pm-10pm-Polish Festival Fundraiser-Falcon Field (Polanka) 721 Farmington Ave New Britain CT
Saturday, June 11, 2022-Zolotyj Promin End of Year Performance-Ukrainian National Home of Hartford 961 Wethersfield Ave Hartford CT
Sunday, June 19, 2022-3pm-Arts of Tolland presents Ukrainian-American pianist Victor Markiw-United Congregational Church 45 Tolland Green Tolland
Friday, June 24, 2022-6pm-11pm-Summer Barbeque Fundraiser-Ukrainian National Home of Hartford 961 Wethersfield Ave Hartford CT
Sunday, June 26, 2022-8:30am-Tunnel to Towers Bethel High School-5K Run & Walk Bethel
Update 4/28/2022: Stand With Ukraine-Calendar of Events-Saturday, April 30, 2022 through Friday, May 13, 2022. Please wear your Ukrainian embroidered shirts and blouses to show support for Ukraine.
Saturday, April 30, 2022-7pm-Yunist Benefit Concert-Stamford Palace Theater 61 Atlantic St Stamford CT
Sunday, May 1, 2022-after 10:30am liturgy-St Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church Easter Dinner 569 George St New Haven CT
Sunday, May 1, 2022-1pm to 7pm-Ukrainian Relief Fundraiser Orange Ale House & Grille 517 Boston Post Rd Orange CT
Sunday, May 1, 2022-2pm-4pm-Ukrainian National Home of Hartford Annual Meeting 961 Wethersfield Avenue Hartford CT
Saturday, May 7, 2022-3pm to 7pm-Jump for Ukraine a Fundraising Event for Medical Aid-Flight Adventure Park 145 Spencer St Manchester CT
Friday, May 13, 2022-7pm-Concert for Ukraine-Round Hill Community Church 395 Round Hill Rd Greenwich CT
Thank you.
Update: 4/26/2022: Ukraine Humanitarian Aid Fund – UAYA Hartford
Today we sent 81 boxes (2,617lbs) of food, diapers, toiletries, clothes, toys and crafts to 4 different orphanages in the Ternpoil area of Ukraine . We would like to thank everyone who dropped off items or shipped items to Glastonbury and Avon. We would also like to thank those who gave monetary donations to help with shipping costs. From the bottom of our hearts, Thank you! We could not do this without your help and generosity.

Update 4/8/2022: See us at the Hartford Yard Goats baseball opening night. The Ukrainian National Home of Hartford and Ukrainian American Youth Association have been partners for over 70 years. Please consider donating to this nonprofit 501c(3) to help ship much needed supplies to orphanages in Ukraine. Visit the UAYA Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/uayahartforduhaf
Consider ordering something from the UAYA Amazon Wishlist for a Ukrainian orphanage : https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2TBAC5JF4T0RY?ref_=wl_share
Make a monetary contribution online: http://bit.ly/ua-hum-aid. Checks can be written to: UAYA Hartford, memo: Ukraine Humanitarian Aid Fund, address: UAYA Hartford, 961 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, CT 06114
Opening Night Tickets – Hartford Yard Goats: https://www.milb.com/hartford
Update 4/4/2022: Nearly a month after the overwhelming collection of humanitarian aid for Ukraine on 3/7/2022, our fourth semi-trailer left Greater Hartford for New Jersey on 4/2/2022 for an overseas flight to get these items to Ukraine.
Thank you for your continued donations for shipping costs. Special thanks to the many volunteers, moving company with lift box truck, Trinity Health for another pallet of medical/surgical supplies, and the warehouse pallet staging site for the fourth semi-trailer.
At this time, the UNHH cannot accept more items. Please periodically check our website https://uacc-ct.org/support-ukraine/ for updates. We will post information on how to further help Ukraine as informed by the Ukrainian humanitarian organizations.

Update 4/2/2022: Thank you WTNH News 8 for this recap of how folks from Connecticut support Ukraine during this crisis.

Update 4/1/2022: Connecticut Stands with Ukraine! Stand with Ukraine-Calendar of Events • April 1, 2022-12:00noon-University of New Haven-Maxcy Quad • Friday, April 1, 2022-4:30pm-New Haven Green-March/Rally for Ukraine-Promoting Enduring Peace • Saturday, April 2, 2022-10:00am-1:00pm-2nd Weekly Bake Sale to support Ukraine-Haller Post Parking Lot (opposite Pol-Mart) 112 Grove St New Britain CT • Sunday, April 3, 2022-11am-12:30pm-Cathedral of St Joseph 140 Farmington Avenue Hartford CT • Sunday, April 3, 2022-9am-11am-Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church 53 Capitol Ave Hartford CT (Lithuanian American Community) • Sunday April 3, 2022-1-4pm -Simsbury United Methodist Church 799 Hopmeadow St Simsbury CT – Stand with Ukraine Meal Packing Event • Sunday, April 3, 2022-2pm-The Shrine of Lourdes in Litchfield 50 Montfort Rd Litchfield CT-Moleben to the Mother of God/Prayer for Ukraine • Sunday, April 3, 2022-5pm-Vigil for Ukraine-Guilford CT Green-Organized by Interfaith Organizations of the Shoreline • Sunday, April 3, 2022-6pm-Interfaith Prayer Vigil For Peace in Ukraine & the World-First Congregational Church of Southington 37 Main St Southington CT • Thursday, April 7, 2022-7pm-Candlelight Vigil-Durham Town Green Rt 17 Durham CT
Update 3/28/2022: Our semi-trailer filled with second priority items (diapers/wipes, paper products, non-perishable food) is moving out of storage and on the road to New Jersey today! Items donated on 3/7/2022 will be flown overseas and make their way to Ukraine. Thank you for your donations toward shipping to make this possible. The remaining boxed items have a shipping date for 4/4/2022.
Update 3/22/2022: We resume normal in person office hours only Tuesdays 3-6pm.
Update 3/21/2022: No volunteers needed this week as all donated items are sorted and boxed. Your donations helped to fill and cover the shipping costs for 2 semi-trailers of priority items. We continue to take monetary donations to ship our 3rd semi-trailer already filled. We also have enough donated items in storage pods to fill a 4th semi-trailer. Our youth group set up a link to take PayPal/credit card donations toward shipping costs http://bit.ly/ua-hum-aid .
Update 3/19/2022: The packed 53 ft trailer with many priority items, including 6 car loads of valuable surgical supplies from Trinity Health are in route to New Jersey. These donated items will fly to Poland and make their way to Ukraine. Many thanks to our strong Ukrainians who filling the semi in 3 hours yesterday and especially to our volunteer driver Dmytro!

Update 3/18/2022: We were fortunate to get our 3rd semi trailer delivered Friday afternoon ahead of schedule. The bulk of the moving tasks were completed in advance of the wet forecast tomorrow. We have enough volunteers to cover the remaining tasks this weekend.

Update 3/15/2022: Volunteers can come 4-7pm today to help close up the final boxes and clear the lower meeting room. We transition to a shipping phase this weekend. Volunteers can also come Saturday 3/19/2022 from 9am-1pm and Sunday 3/20/2022 from 2-7pm. We will need folks to weigh boxes from the storage pods in the lower parking lot and move them by pickup trucks to the street level into our third semi-trailer.
Only monetary support for shipping can be accepted at this time. This link is an easy way to donate toward shipping costs. http://bit.ly/ua-hum-aid

Update 3/14/2022 : Only monetary support for shipping can only be accepted at this time. No more more items can be accepted. All storages spaces are at capacity. Please do not leave items and block our doors. The UNHH, a 100% volunteer run community center, needs to resume its normal operations serving the greater-Hartford community. Volunteers are needed Monday from 5-9PM to wrap up sorting and boxing items donated back on 3/7/2022.
Update 3/13/2022: No volunteers today. Both upper and lower halls are rented for local worship services and parking spaces need to remain open.
Update 3/12/2022: The overwhelming response to the Ukrainian National Home’s collection drive for humanitarian aid to Ukraine was unimaginable. Heartfelt thanks to all who contributed goods and monetary donations, as well as to the countless volunteers who assisted in the enormous task of sorting, packing, carting, sending and storing donated items this week. We filled 2 semi trailers and 7 storage containers of donated items!
Sunday 3/13/2022 will be a much needed day of rest for all volunteers. For future volunteer schedule, local TV coverage links, and other updates, please check this web page or https://www.facebook.com/ukrainiannationalhomeofhartford.
We have reached beyond our capacity for donated goods, however, we are in great need of donations to cover the cost of sending these packages to Ukraine. Any monetary donations provided would be very appreciated and can send to the UNHH, 961 Wethersfield Avenue, Hartford, CT 06114. Attn: Cathy. And please write Ukraine Relief in the memo line of your check.
Again, sincere thanks to everyone for your support of Ukraine. Pray for peace. God bless Ukraine.
Update 3/11/2022: We also need volunteers Saturday 3/12/2022 from 9am-1pm. An additional storage pod is expected this morning and the collection truck from 3/7/2022 will be unloaded and sorted. Volunteers cleared our indoor spaces to make this possible.
The flood of donated items was contained in 5 days. No more items will be taken in. Our upper and lower rental halls resumed for Ukrainian folk-dance practices yesterday, private events, and worship services this weekend minus a few parking spaces.
The trickle to get these donated items into the shipping company backlogs will take weeks or months. Monetary donations for shipping and storage costs are being accepted. Mail checks to UNHH (Ukrainian National Home of Hartford) , 961 Wethersfield Ave, Hartford, CT 06114.

Update 3/10/2022: Donated items were process by hundreds of local volunteers which filled two semi-trailers and two storage containers. Our high priority trailer was topped off with valuable surgical and medical supplies and departs this morning. Our event rental halls are almost ready to resume tonight.

Update 3/9/2022: Two semi-trailers were nearly filled with donated items! A big thank you to the shipping and moving companies which provided boxes and expertise in packing. Also, to the hundreds of volunteers that sorted, boxed items, weighed packages, and load boxes onto the trailers. Monetary donations for shipping costs are still needed. Please no more items at this time. Priority items are on their way.

Update 3/7/2022: Monetary donations for shipping costs or to the listed charitable organizations is the best way to donate. The early response of donated items has been tremendous. Our volunteers have sorted and prioritize items for shipping now at about 500 packages. Please double check that food/medicines are not expired. New clothing is preferred. We already have more diapers than we can ship at this time.

To donate items check the priority lists below. Collections from the UNHH parking lot are scheduled this Sunday March 6, 2022 from 4-7PM and Monday March 7, 2022 4-7PM
Слава Україні! (Slava Ukraini!) = “Glory to Ukraine!” Героям слава!, (Heroiam slava!) = “Glory to the heroes!”
Thank you for your support of Ukraine in this difficult time. If you would like to contribute, here are some charitable humanitarian organizations to which you can donate